Gardening: Biological pest control is best because it’s nature’s way

Biological control of undesirable garden pests is the desirable way to go.It’s a garden management tool that encourages natural processes by bringing one living organism into the garden to munch on another.

Biological control .fl-node- h3.vamtam-heading * { color: #124a2f !important; }

Biological control of undesirable garden pests is the desirable way to go. It’s a garden management tool that encourages natural processes by bringing one living organism into the garden to munch on another.

Chemicals control .fl-node- h3.vamtam-heading * { color: #124a2f !important; }

Besides, having chemicals around to control garden pests is always a nuisance. The preparation for use and application must be done while protecting skin, eyes and breathing passages. And storing chemicals is a hassle, too. Chemical pest control may also kill or discourage beneficial insects and other friendly wildlife.

Invisible presence of hordes .fl-node- h3.vamtam-heading * { color: #124a2f !important; }

In truth, biological control is going on all around us without any human assistance. Native birds have a ravenous appetite for insect pests, as do naturally occurring ladybug and green lacewing larvae. The grain, vegetable and fruit crops on which our diet depends could not grow without the nearly invisible presence of hordes of minute parasitic wasps that do the heavy lifting where worldwide insect pest control is concerned.

Bring birds into your garden .fl-node- h3.vamtam-heading * { color: #124a2f !important; }

You can bring birds into your garden with birdbaths and birdhouses and by planting perennials with tubular flowers, nearly all of which seem to attract hummingbirds. Beneficial insects are attracted to yarrows (Achillea species), sweet alyssum, penstemon, herbs (thyme, lemon balm, spearmint, English lavender, feverfew, coriander), daisy family members (zinnia, cosmos, chrysanthemum) and, especially, alfalfa.

Still, the presence of birds and visits by beneficial insects through prudent plant selection may not be sufficient to overcome insect pest issues. In such cases, there are insectaries such as Rincon-Vitova ( in Ventura that nurture and mass produce dozens of predatory insect species for control of common insect pests and mites. They will ship these beneficial predators right to your door.

Garden pests .fl-node- h3.vamtam-heading * { color: #124a2f !important; }

Garden pests do not include only insects, but snails and slugs, raccoons, squirrels and deer. Yet, if the only pests that we had to worry about belonged to the animal kingdom, garden maintenance would be a lot simpler than it is. One way or another, animal pests can nearly always be controlled or discouraged.

However, when it comes to pestiferous plants — weeds, that is — it seems that the only way to control certain particularly pernicious types is through chemical application. Yet this, too, may be changing due to increased aversion to chemical use and to expanding research into biological weed control.

Human assisted biological control is not new. Nearly 2,000 years ago, the Chinese brought nests of yellow citrus ants into mandarin orchards to control undesirable caterpillars and beetle borers. And today the Chinese use other kinds of ants to deter insect pests in rice paddies and sugarcane fields.

Take cover! Protect outdoor gatherings and plants from the unrelenting sun


This is an aside post.

This week the class will focus on the work of Ansel Adams. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to purchase Ansel Adams: An Autobiography (available at the school bookstore) and read chapters 1 through 4. In particular, I want you to focus on this section from chapter 2:

Adams also came to understand how important it was that his carefully crafted photos were reproduced to best effect. At Bender’s invitation, he joined the prestigious Roxburghe Club, an association devoted to fine printing and high standards in book arts. He learned much about printing techniques, inks, design, and layout which he later applied to other projects. [1]Some of Adams’ success can be attributed to how successfully he replicated his work through printing. This week we’ll be learning about his print techniques and making some prints of our own.

Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima.


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